Guide to writig articles

 | Post date: 2022/06/28 | 
 Who can be an author?
The Journal of Current Psychosomatic Research follows the guidelines for authors according to the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). ICMJE recommends that authorship be based on the following four criteria:
1. Providing substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of its data; AND

2. Drafting the work or reviewing it critically for important intellectual content; AND
3. Final approval of the version to be published; AND
4. Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved.

Author contributions
The authors must specify their role in the submitted manuscript using the CRediT taxonomy. In general, the roles are:
Conceptualization, methodology, validation, data curation, formal analysis, research and review, resources, manuscript writing, editing and reviewing, visualization, supervision, project administration, funding acquisition. All roles may not apply to all manuscripts, or some authors may have multiple roles.

Manuscript transfer services
This journal uses the article transfer service of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences to find the best journal suitable for your manuscript. Thus, if the editorial office feels your manuscript is more suited for another journal affiliated with Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, we will recommend you transfer the manuscript to that journal. You will be informed via email, and should you agree by clicking on the link sent in the email, your manuscript will be transferred to the suggested journal. You can make changes to the manuscript before its new submission. Please note that the new journal will review your manuscript independently based on its process.
Before submission
Manuscript submission and approval

Submitting a manuscript to the Current Psychosomatic Research journal necessitates that the work has not been previously published elsewhere (except in the form of an abstract for a conference presentation or an academic thesis or dissertation).
All authors must explicitly declare that the submitted manuscript is not under review in any other journal and will not be published under any other title.
All the submitted manuscripts will be evaluated using plagiarism detection and similarity-finding software.
Three files are required to submit a manuscript, including the main file without the authors’ names, the title page include a authors’ names, Organizational affiliation , the authors' orcid code and  e-mail address , the responsible author address and contact number.  All the files should be in the Microsoft Word format (docx).
The submission should also include a cover letter in which the authors have mentioned that the manuscript has not been published previously nor submitted to any other journal simultaneously and that artificial intelligence (AI) software has not been used to create the content in part or whole.

Authors must complete the ICMJE Conflict of Interest form.

Also, research protocol registration codes of ethics, such as those for clinical trials, systematic reviews, etc., are required to submit your manuscript.
The submission files must be ordered and structured correctly to start the review process.
It is mandatory to interpolation the code of ethics in all studies, except for reviews and letters to the editor, in the final part of the manuscript (ethics in publication).

Clinical trials
A registration code for clinical trials is required to publish a manuscript of clinical trials in this journal. The trials must have been registered before the beginning of patient enrollment. The clinical trial registration number should have become available in national or international registration systems such as International Clinical Trials (ICT), Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials
, or International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and mentioned in the submitted manuscript. Observational studies (studies not involving medical intervention) are not required to be registered in these systems.
In addition, clinical trial reports should follow the Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials (CONSORT) guidelines. When submitting a clinical trial manuscript, authors should provide the CONSORT checklist with a workflow diagram showing the steps of patient selection, including enrollment, randomization, withdrawal, and completion, plus a detailed description of the randomization method. The CONSORT checklist and its template flow diagram are available
Systematic reviews and meta-analyses
The authors should use the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guideline for the systematic review and meta-analysis manuscripts. Additionally, such studies should be registered in an appropriate registration system before being carried out, such as the International Prospective Register of Systematic Reviews (PROSPERO), Open Science Framework (OSF), or International Platform of Registered Systematic Review and Meta-analysis Protocols (INPLASY) and the registration number should be mentioned in the manuscript.
The title page should include the following:
  • The study title: It should be brief. If possible, do not include abbreviations and formulas.
  • Author(s) names and affiliations. Please identify each author's first and last name and check that all names are spelled correctly.
  • ORCID ID and email of all authors.
  • The corresponding author: The person who corresponds throughout the review process up to publication on behalf of all the authors with the journal. This includes answering any follow-up questions about the manuscript. Ensure the email address and the contact details of the corresponding author are up to date.
  • Approved code of ethics (and RCT, in case of clinical trials). It is necessary to include the national or international code of ethics in the research.
Manuscript structure
Manuscripts should be submitted in Microsoft Word format (.docx). Use a plain and standard font (e.g., Calibri or Times New Roman) size 10-12. All abbreviations or acronyms should be defined first and then used consistently. There is no strict specific journal formatting, but depending on the article type, the manuscripts should have the required sections, such as an abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusion, and tables and figures.
Divide the manuscript into well-defined sections.
The maximum limit for original articles is 5000 words, excluding references, tables, and figure legends.
The maximum limits for study protocol and review articles is 7000 words.
The maximum limits for brief reports and case reports are 2000 and 1500 words, respectively, including at least 30 references. The letter to editor can be up to 1000 words.

The abstract should contain the purpose of the research, its main results, and the conclusion. It is often presented separately from the manuscript, so it should be sufficient to show the main achievements of your work on its own. Avoid using references and abbreviations in the abstract. The abstracts should include the following sections:
Original articles: purpose, methods, results, and conclusion.
Case studies: background, case presentation, and conclusion.
Abstracts should not exceed 250 words in original articles and 150 words in case studies.

A maximum of 6 keywords is required for each manuscript. They should be based on Medical Subject Headings
In the introduction section, clearly state your research objectives and provide sufficient background. Avoid reviewing exhaustive or too brief texts. Use relevant references.
Please ensure that references cited in the text are included in the reference list (and vice versa). Referencing non-published results or sources is not recommended. If such sources are included, they should follow the standard style of the journal, and the publication date should be mentioned as (unpublished results).

Materials and methods
You must write down the materials and method sufficiently to allow other researchers to repeat the work. Methods described in previous studies should be summarized and cited. Please include how informed consent was obtained in human studies. For more transparency, the authors must declare the state of availability of their research data.

Results should be clear and concise. You state your findings without interpretation, comparison, or subjective explanation in this part.
The discussion should state the significance of the results but not repeat them, as in the previous section. You need to mention some similar results and compare your findings with theirs. Also, your study's secondary results and limitations must be mentioned in this section.
The main conclusions should be brief. In this section you need to answer the question posed in the introduction or the final main finding of your study. In addition, suggestions for future research are given at the end of this section.
Place the acknowledgments in a separate section at the end of the manuscript before the references. In this section, you can acknowledge people who have contributed to the preparation of your manuscript but are not eligible to be mentioned as an author. For instance, you can thank laboratory technicians who helped in conducting the tests or the editor of your manuscript who provided language polishing and editing services.
Funding source
If a person or an organization provided financial support for the study or preparation of the manuscript, please indicate their name and briefly describe their role in the study design. If you had no funding for the collection, analysis, and interpretation of data, writing the report, or deciding to submit the manuscript to our journal, this should also be mentioned explicitly.
You can mention the financial sources in the following way:

Funding: This work was supported by the National Institute of XXX, Grant No XXX.
There is no need to include detailed descriptions of the research program or type of grants. If funding has been from a grant by a university or a research institute, only provide the name of the institute or university.
If you did not receive financial resources, it is recommended to write the following sentence:
This research has not received funding from public, commercial, or non-profit sectors.

Conflict of interest
All authors must declare any financial and personal relationships with the individuals or organizations that could influence their research or findings (bias). If there is no conflict of interest, please declare it. Authors are required to complete the ICMJE Conflict of Interest Form please click here.
Declaration of generative artificial intelligence
Using artificial intelligence (AI) in writing is only permitted to improve language and grammar. This technology should be used with human supervision, and the authors should carefully check and edit the results because AI can be inaccurate or incomplete. In this regard, authors should explicitly mention AI's use in their manuscript by adding a sentence at the end before the references with this sub-heading.
It is necessary to mention the AI ​​reference.
Tables and figures
It is recommended to use a maximum of five tables and three figures. The captions of the tables should be given with numbers above them. The figure legends should be placed below the figures. All tables and figures should be numbered and cited in the manuscript according to their order in the text.
Please submit tables as editable text, not images (for example, tables created by SPSS are inappropriate, and you should draw them again in MS Word). Tables should be placed on separate page(s) at the end.
Footnotes to tables should be shown in lowercase (asterisks for significant values ​​and other statistical data) and included under the table.
The data presented in the table should not be repeated elsewhere in the manuscript. Please avoid shading in table cells.

Figure legends
Each figure must have a legend or brief description. Explain all symbols and abbreviations used in the legend. It is recommended that you use JPG format and high-quality resolution.
Mathematical formulas
Please submit math equations as editable text, not images. You can add the equations with a tool available in MS Word. Each equation should be included separately and numbered consecutively. Use système International (SI) for measuring units. If another unit system is used, please give its equivalent in SI.
We recommend having fewer footnotes. In case of use, number them consecutively throughout the manuscript.

The reference list should only include works cited in the text and published or accepted for publication. Note that all references mentioned in the text should be cited in the reference list (and vice versa). The PMID number should be mentioned at the end of each reference for articles indexed in PubMed. If available, please always cite DOIs in your reference list.
Use first-hand sources. Regarding content from online sources, please include the full URL, the publication date of the text on that web page, and your own access date.
We do not recommend citing preprint articles because they can change before publication. Still, if a preprint reference is essential to your work, cite it in the references by including the word “preprint.” The DOI of the preprint must also be provided.
This journal follows the Vancouver style in referencing. Some examples of this style are as follows:

For journal articles: Surname and initials of author(s) first names. Full title. Abbreviated journal name. Publication year; journal volume and issue: page numbers. If there are more than four authors, the term et al. should be used after the name of the sixth person.
Example: Tersalvi G, Gaiero L, Capriolo M, Cristoforetti Y, Salizzoni S, Senatore G, et al. Sex differences in epidemiology, morphology, mechanisms, and treatment of mitral valve regurgitation. Medicina. 2023; 59(6):1017. [DOI:10.3390/medicina59061017] [PMID]
For books: Surname and initials of author(s) first names. The book title. Print number. City of publication: Publisher, publication year.
Example: Ho MT, Saunders CE. Current Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment. 3rd ed. New Jersey: Appleton and Lang; 1990.
For book chapter: Surname and initials of author(s) first names of the chapter. Chapter title. Book title. Surname and initials of books’ editors(s). Publication number, place of publication: Publisher; publication year. Page numbers.
Example: Champion RH. Disorders of sweat glands. In: Rook Textbook of Dermatology. Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, editors. 6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998. P 1985-2002.
For electronic articles and website content:
Example:  LaPorte RE, Marler E, Akazawa S, Sauer F. The death of biomedical journal. BMJ [serial online]. 1995; 310: 387-90. Available from: htm, Accessed September 26, 1996.
Example: Gershon ES. Antisocial behavior. Arch Gen Psychiatry [serial on CD-ROM]. 1995; 52:900-1.

Suggested reviewers
The authors must send the names and email addresses of at least three possible reviewers for their manuscript. A potential reviewer is a specialist in the research subject or someone who has previously published a similar work. The reviewer should not be your colleague (from your workplace) or someone who has worked with you in the last three years. Additionally, it is advised to suggest reviewers of different genders, nationalities, or ethnicities to have an appropriate review and to ensure scientific rigor.
The editorial office may choose one of your suggested reviewers to review your work in addition to other reviewers of their own choice. You should include at least one institutional email for each suggested reviewer.( Authors instructions)

Submission checklist
You can use this checklist before submitting your manuscript to our journal:
  • Designating an author as the corresponding author with the following contact details:
  • Email address
  • Postal address
Uploading all the necessary files:
  • Cover letter(in case of need)
  • Manuscripts without author names (in case of need)
  • Figures
  • Tables
  • Informed consent form (in case of need)
  • ICMJE Conflict of Interest Form (in case of need)
• Please check the manuscript for "spelling" and "grammar"
• Please check that all references are cited in the main text and vice versa
• Please check that permission has been obtained to use copyrighted material from other sources
• Please check that suggested reviewers and their contact details are provided as instructed

Online submission
The online submission system guides you step-by-step through submitting your manuscript files. An anonymous PDF file is required for review in the manuscript review process. The manuscript should be sent in MS Word (.docx) format. All correspondence will be sent via email.
To submit your manuscript, please click here.

If the journal suspects research misconduct such as data fabrication, etc., it will conduct investigations according to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. If there are any concerns, the author(s) will be contacted by email to offer them an opportunity to address the matter. Depending on the result, it may lead to the following legal acts:
If the article has already been published online, depending on the nature and severity of the infringement:
  • The issue may be corrected only by making corrections
  • Or, in extreme cases, the article may be retracted.
The reason for the publication's correction or retraction will be explicitly mentioned to the readers. Please note that retraction means that the published article is maintained on the journal's online platform but watermarked as "Retrac," an explanation is also provided and attached to the watermarked file. In addition, the author(s) affiliated institution may be notified. For more information, please click here.
Article submission forms:

Short Report
Original Report

ICMJE Conflict of Interest Form

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