Author Instruction

 | Post date: 2022/06/28 | 
  Articles Types
Original Article: This type of article is limited to a maximum of 5,000 words, which does not include references, tables, and figures, and should include a maximum of 3 to 4 figures, 3 to 4 tables, and 40 to 45 references. The abstract should be between 150 and 250 words and 4 to 6 keywords.
English and Persian Abstract:
The abstract includes 4 sections: background and objective, materials and method, findings and inference
Short report: This type of article is limited to a maximum of 1500 words. The abstract should not be more than 150 words and should include  two figures or tables and 20 references.

This type of article is limited to a maximum of 7000 words. Give at least three related sources from the author himself.
- An ethics registration code is required for articles.
- IRCT registration code is required only for clinical trial articles.

Review: The review article should be comprehensive and complete and at least 32 references should be used in its preparation. In this type of articles, it is not enough just to summarize and report the results of others' work, but new theorizing and conclusions must be done. It should actually include the final abstract of the review.
Title page
Please make sure your title page contains the following information.
The title should be concise and informative.
Author Information
  • Full Name (s) and family names of Author (s)
  • Affiliation (s) of the author (s), i.e. department, institute, city, country
  • An active email address of the respective author
  • The authors’ ORCID ID
  • It will also be published if the address information is provided with the affiliation.
  • For writers who are (temporarily) non-affiliated, only the city and country of their residence and their personal email address are required
  • Please provide an abstract of 150 to 250 words.
  • The abstract should not have undefined abbreviations or unclear reference citations.
      Please provide 4 to 6 keywords that can be used for indexing purposes.
Ethical Consideration
- In clinical trials, patients 'names and hospital bed numbers especially in pictures, should not be mentioned also obtaining patients' informed consent are required. It should be clear if the epidemiological study or clinical trial has been approved by the ethics committee in Vice-Chancellor's Office for Research of the university and its affiliated centers or the Ministry of Health and Medical Education.
- The publication of a clinical trials article is subject to its registration with the Iranian Clinical Trial Registration Center (IRCT) or any of the international registration centers approved by the World Health Organization, and should be mentioned in the Materials and Methods section of the study. In a non-clinical trial, it is sufficient to enter the code of the ethics committee in the materials and methods section.
- Printing and publishing the contents of the journal is allowed after obtaining permission from the editor, citing the reference. Any use of the contents of the publication without mentioning the references is prohibited.
Conflict of interest:
       Authors are required to disclose financial or non-financial benefits that are directly or indirectly related to the submitted research.

Text formatting
 - Manuscripts must be submitted in Word.
 - Use a simple and usual font (for example, Times Roman 10 for English text and B Nazanin  for  Persian).
  - Use automatic page numbering to number pages.
  - Use the tab stop for indentations, not the space bar.
  - Use the table function to create tables.
  - Use the equation editor or Math Type for the equations.
  - Save your file in Word 2007 docx format or higher versions.
  Abbreviations should be defined first and then used consistently.
Footnotes and references
Footnotes can be used to provide additional information and should never include bibliographic details of a reference. They should also not contain any figures or tables.
Appreciation of individuals, donations, funds, etc. should be written in a separate section. The names of the financing organizations must be written in full.

Author contributions
It must be clarified exactly what role each of the authors played in the article.
Reference list

     - The bibliography should only include works that cited in the article text.
     - All of the cited references should be published or accepted for publication.
     -Personal contacts and unpublished works should only be mentioned in the text.
    - All references provided in each article (even Persian articles) must be in English in the name of the author or authors, the title of the article, the short name of the journal in English, the year of publication of the article based on the Gregorian date, journal number and pages.
    - English Journal: Last name and first name of author or authors, full article title, abbreviated name of the journal. Year of publication; Journal Issue: Pages.  If the number of authors is more than 4, the phrase et al should be used after the name of the sixth person.
   - Wolf DP, Mastroianni L. Protein composition of human uterine fluid. Fertil. Steril. 1975; 26 (3): 240-247
Book: Last name and first name of the author or authors, book title. printing number. City of publication: Publisher, year of publication.
    - Ho MT, Saunders CE. Current Emergency Diagnosis and Treatment. 3rd ed. New Jersy: Appleton and Lang; 1990.
Chapter of the book: Surname and name of the author. Chapter title. Book title.  Surnames and names of the authors of the book. Printing number, place of publication: publisher; Year of publication. Pages.
   -Champion RH. Disorders of sweat glands. In: Rook Textbook of Dermatology. Champion RH, Burton JL, Burns DA, editors.6th ed. Oxford: Blackwell Science; 1998 p. 1985-2002
  - LaPorte RE, Marler E, Akazawa S, Sauer F. The death of biomedical journal. BMJ [serial online] .1995; 310: 1378-90
-Available from: http: //,69991. htm. Accessed September 26, 1996.
- Gershon ES. Antisocial behavior. Arch Gen Psychiatry [serial on CD-ROM]. 1995; 52: 900-901
Note: For articles indexed in Pub Med, indicate the PMID number at the end of each reference.
If available, please always include DOIs as complete DOI links in your reference list.
For example: 
Liu B, Song Zh, Yu J, Li P, Tang Y, Ge J. The atherosclerosis-ameliorating effects and molecular mechanisms of BuYangHuanWu decoction. Biomed Pharmacother. 2020; 123:109664. [DOI:10.1016/j.biopha.2019.109664] [PMID]
All tables must be numbered. Journal of Internet and Web site arrangement according to the following examples:
Tables should always be numbered in the text.
For each table, please provide a table title (s) that describes the components of the table.
The footnotes to the tables should be in lower case (or asterisk for significant values ​​and other statistical data) and included below the table body.
Authors should refrain from misrepresenting research results that could undermine the journal's credibility, the professionalism of scientific writing, and ultimately the entire scientific endeavor.
The Ethical Responsibilities: The authors of this journal are committed to maintaining the integrity of their scientific records.
Authors wishing to add forms, tables, or texts that have already been published elsewhere must obtain permission from the copyright holder for both print and online formats, and include evidence of such permission when submitting their articles. Any material received without such evidence is presumed to have originated from the authors.

Submitting Manuscript
Submitting a manuscript means that the work described has not been published before and is not considered for publication anywhere else. Also, its publication has been approved by all co-authors and, if any, by the corresponding authorities at the institution where the work was done  If there is any claim for damages, the publisher will not be legally responsible.

Submit online
Please follow the "Submit Article" link and upload all your article files according to the instructions on the page.
Please make sure you provide all relevant editable files. Failure to send these files may result in unnecessary delays in the review and publishing process.
Authors should submit their article file in accordance with the writing principles of the journal on the site through the article submission option. Obviously, after submitting the article, it is not possible to delete or add the authors of the article.

   Double-blind Peer Review
This journal follows a double-blind peer review process. This means that the author remains anonymous to the referees during the peer review.
It is the responsibility of the author to anonymize the manuscript and any related material.
The author's name, affiliations, and any other potentially identifiable information should be removed from the handwritten text and any accompanying files (such as supplementary forms).
A separate title page should be submitted containing the title, author name, affiliations and contact information of the respective author. Any confirmations, disclosures, or financial information should also be included on this page.
Authors should avoid mentioning their works in a way that reveals their identity.
Maintaining the integrity of the research by pursuing the following rules helps to show a good scientific presentation, which are:
The article should not be submitted to more than one journal at a time for reviewing.
The submitted work must be original and must not have been published elsewhere (in whole or in part) in any form or language, unless the new work is an extension of the previous work.
A single study should not be divided into sections to increase the number of submissions and be submitted to different journals or to one journal over time.
The results should be presented clearly, honestly and without fake and fraudulent, falsification or manipulation of inappropriate information.
No data, text or theory is presented by others as if it belonged to the author himself ("theft").
Appropriate referencing should be made to the works of others (this includes material that has been accurately copied (roughly verbatim), summarized and / or translated), use quotation marks (to indicate words taken from the other references) to copy word by word of the content.
  Failure to follow the basic principles of the journal structure will lead to rapid rejection of the article.
Important Note: The journal uses iThenticate software for plagiarism screening.
Research articles and non-research articles should cite related and relevant literature in support of the claims raised in their article. Excessive and inappropriate self-citation or concerted attempts by multiple authors for collective citation are strictly prohibited.
Authors should avoid making false statements about an entity (which could be an individual or a company) or describing their behavior or actions that could potentially be seen as personal attacks or claims about that individual.
Research that may be used as a threat to public health or national security should be explicitly mentioned in the article (e.g. dual use of research), for example, harmful effects of biological agents or toxins, vaccine immunosuppression pointed out the unusual dangers of using chemicals.
 Authors are strongly advised to make sure that the group of authors, the corresponding author, and the order of the authors are correct when submitting. Adding and / or deleting authors is usually not allowed during the review process, but in some cases this may be possible, in which case the reasons for the change in authorship should be explained in detail. Please note that no changes can be made to the composition after accepting the manuscript.
  All of the above are guidelines and authors should make sure that they respect the rights of third parties such as copyright and/or moral rights.o present a single result, avoid two different Upon request, authors must be prepared to submit relevant documents or data to validate the results. This can be in the form of raw data, samples, working records and so on. Sensitive information in the form of confidential or proprietary data is excluded.forms, for example, both a table and a curve.
If there is a suspicion of misconduct or allegation of fraud, the journal and / or publisher will conduct an investigation in
accordance with COPE guidelines. If, after review, there are valid concerns, the related author or authors will be contacted at the email address provided and given an opportunity to address the issue. Depending on the situation, this may lead to actions by the journal and / or publisher, including:
 If the manuscript is still under review, it may be rejected and returned to the author.
  If the article has already been published online, depending on the nature and severity of the violation: A correction may be made.
Or in severe cases, the article may be withdrawn (retracted).
  The reason for the correction or the note of the withdrawal of the published article will be mentioned. Please note that retraction means that the article is stored on the platform, the watermark is "retracted" and the explanation for the withdrawal is provided in a note attached to the watermarked article. The author institute may be notified.
 Basic Errors
 Authors are obliged to correct the mistakes they have made after publishing their article. The author or author is asked to contact the journal and explain how the error affects the article.
 The decision on how to correct the literature depends on the nature of the error. The withdrawal note should provide elucidation of the parts of the article that have been affected by the error.
 Authors' requests for suitable referees are welcome which are suggested and/or requests to remove some  people when submitting a draft article. When submitting referees, authors should make sure that they are completely independent and in no way related to the work. It is strongly recommended to suggest a combination of referees from different countries and institutions. When proposing referees, the corresponding author should provide an organizational email address for each proposed referee, or if this is not possible, provide other authentication tools such as a link to the personal homepage, a link to the publication history or the identity of the researcher or author. Please note that the journal may not use suggestions, but suggestions are appreciated and may help facilitate the review process.

 The journal and publisher assume that all authors have agreed to the content and that all have given their express consent to submit, and that they have obtained the consent of the corresponding authorities at the institution / organization where the work was done before submitting the work.
 The publisher does not recommend specific guidelines, but authors should follow guidelines that are applicable to their specific research areas. In the absence of specific instructions, it is recommended that you follow the instructions below.
 All authors whose names appear in the submitted article must:
 1) Significant assistance in the concept or design of the work, analysis, interpretation of data; or create new software used in the work.
 2) Have drafted the work or critically reviewed the content.
 3) Confirm the published version.
 4) Agree to be accountable to all aspects of the work to ensure that questions about the accuracy or integrity of each part of the work are properly reviewed and resolved.

Disclosures and announcements
 All authors are asked to provide information on financial resources, financial or non-financial benefits, study approval by an ethics committee appropriate to the research (humans and/or animals), informed consent (if the research involved human participants), and a statement about financial resources.
 The decision to include such information depends not only on the scope of the journal but also on the scope of the article. The work submitted for publication may have consequences for public health or public welfare, in which case it is the responsibility of all authors to include appropriate disclosures and declarations.
Data clarification
All authors are requested to ensure that all data and content, as well as software program or code of ethics, complies with field standards.

The role of a corresponding author
 An author is appointed as corresponding author, acting as a representative on behalf of all authors, ensuring that questions about the accuracy or integrity of each part of the work are The corresponding author must ensure and be accountable for the following requirements:
Ensure that all listed authors have approved the manuscript before submitting, including the authors name and order;
Manage all communications between the journal and all co-authors, before and after publication, ensure that disclosures, declarations and clarification in the expression of data from all authors are included in the handwriting if necessary (see above).
The management of all communications between the journal and all co-authors is necessarily left to a responsible audience or author during submission to publication. In this case, please make sure that the author responsible is clearly identified in the manuscript.

-After each stage of sending to the author or authors, they have 10 opportunities to make corrections and send to the journal.
-The proof file must be sent within 24 hours

Article submission forms:

Short Report
Original Report


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