Instructions for Reviewers

 | Post date: 2024/06/11 | 
The “Current Psychosomatic Research”, the journal of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences, uses a double-blind peer review process, i.e., neither authors nor reviewers know each other's name or affiliations.
The role of reviewers
The reviewers are the main members who help the journal and the editor in the qualitative and scientific review of the articles. They are requested not to disclose their identity to the authors. Before accepting a manuscript for review, the reviewers should pay attention if:
  • The submitted manuscript is in their field of expertise;
  • They have necessary time to review manuscripts;
  • They have any conflict of interest that may impact the peer review
In case of declining a peer review, the reviewers are asked to inform the journal.
Conflict of interest
A conflict of interest occurs when an individual's personal interests could compromise his or her judgment or decisions. If the relationships or works of the reviewers cause bias in the peer review of the manuscript, they should declare it. To prevent any personal judgment, we take conflict of interest seriously; therefore, before reviewing the manuscript, we ask reviewers to declare whether they have a conflict of interest for each manuscript or not.
Each manuscript is confidential and is provided to the reviewers only for peer review. Reviewers must conduct the review process confidentially so that the details of the manuscript remain confidential during and after the review process. Reviewers should not share the manuscript with others. The use of artificial intelligence software is strictly prohibited. It is also forbidden to save the manuscript file.

Ethics violations
 If the reviewers found out that the manuscript was under review in another journal, s/he must inform the editor. Please inform the journal at any stage of peer review if you found that the principles of ethics would not be followed. The journal obliges the reviewers to comply with the COPE Ethical Guidelines. Click here for more information.
Please complete the peer review within one month. If you need more time, please inform the editor.
Reviewers should check the novelty, feasibility and up-to-dateness of the study, the purpose of the study, the introduction section and the methods used, the conclusions/recommendations, and references.
After peer review, the reviewers should provide recommendations as “accept”, “needs minor revision”, “needs major revision”, or “reject”.
Reviewers can use the step-by-step guide to reviewing a manuscript on the journal's website through this

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