Publication Ethics

 | Post date: 2022/06/4 | 
Ethical Consideration
Current Psychosomatic Research as a member of Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences Journals is committed to apply ethics of publication, based on the COPE’s Code of Conduct and Best Practices, International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICJME), World Association of Medical Editors (WAME) and American Psychological Association’s Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct, in psychological studies
Ethics and security
Current Psychosomatic Research editor may seek advice about submitted papers on any aspect of a paper that raises concerns, for example, ethical issues or issues of data or materials access. It is important to agree upon standards of expected ethical behavior for all parties involved in the act of publishing: the
author(s), the journal editor, the peer reviewer, etc. All research must have been carried out within an appropriate ethical framework.

Authorship and Author’s Responsibility
The corresponding
author(s) takes primary responsibility for communication with the journal during the manuscript submission, peer review, and publication process, and typically ensures that all the journal’s administrative requirements, such as providing details of authorship, ethics committee approval, clinical trial registration documentation, and gathering conflict of interest statements, are properly completed. The corresponding author should respond to editorial queries throughout the submission and peer review process in a timely manner, and should cooperate with any requests from the journal after publication.
Current Psychosomatic Research does not allow adding
author(s) or changing the first or the corresponding authors after the final acceptance of the article. If any author(s) wishes to be removed from the byline, he or she should submit a letter signed by the author, as well as all other author(s), indicating his or her wish to be deleted from the list of authors. Any change in the name order in the byline requires a letter signed by all authors indicting agreement with the same.

Conflict of interest
author(s) must declare any financial and personal relationships with the individuals or organizations that could influence their research or findings (bias). If there is no conflict of interest, please declare it.
 The statement should read “The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.”
 Financial competing interests include (but are not limited to):
  • Research grants from funding agencies (The research funder and the grant number are required)
  • Financial support for educational programs
  • Employment or consultation
  • Position on advisory board or board of directors or other types of management relationships
  • Financial relationships, for example, Receiving reimbursements, fees, funding, or salary from an organization that may in any way gain or lose financially from the publication of the article, either now or in the future.
  • Intellectual property rights (e.g. patents, copyrights and royalties from such rights)
  • Holdings of spouse and/or children that may have financial interest in the work
In addition, non-financial interests that may be important to readers should be disclosed. These may include but are not limited to political, personal, religious, ideological, academic, and intellectual competing interests.
Editors may ask for further information relating to competing interests. Editors and reviewers are also required to declare any competing interests and will be excluded from the peer review process if a competing interest exists.
Studies on humans and animals
If the study involves using a human participant or sample, you must ensure that the work described follows the Declaration of Helsinki (The Code of Ethics of the World Medical Association) for human experiments and the recommendations of ICMJE for the conduct, reporting, editing, and publication of scholarly work in medical journals.
The Journal of Current Psychosomatic Research does not accept animal studies.
A registration code for clinical trials is required to publish a manuscript of clinical trials in this journal. The trials must have been registered before the beginning of patient enrollment. The clinical trial registration number should have become available in national or international registration systems such as International Clinical Trials (ICT), Iranian Registry of Clinical Trials (IRCT), or International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) and mentioned in the submitted manuscript.

Informed consent
author(s) should include that informed consent for the experiment was obtained from their human participants.
Use of inclusive language
Manuscripts should not contain words or expressions that suggest the superiority of a person, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, disability, or health condition. The submitted text should be free of any discrimination and social stereotypes.
We recommend that you avoid offensive language such as master, slave, blacklist, and whitelist. We suggest you use alternatives that are more appropriate and descriptive.

Reporting gender-based analyses
All authors should clearly state their definition of gender to increase the accuracy and reproducibility of their research. Generally, gender refers to a person's physical and physiological characteristics (e.g., chromosomal genotype, hormone levels, and internal and external anatomy). For more information, please see the Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines and checklist.

Data Sharing
Author(s) should  be prepared to submit all the relevant documents, including the raw data, samples, records, etc., to confirm the validity of the results in case of need.
If data availability is not possible due to the requirements of your workplace or institution or is inappropriate for submission, you will have to state the reason during the submission process, such as saying that the research data are confidential for a reason.

Originality and Duplicate Publication
According to ICMJE, if the submitted research results have previously been published in an abstract form (less than 500 words), the journal will not consider it as previously published.
If a similar manuscript has been previously published in English or other languages, the authors must mention it in the cover letter.
Double submission is when the same paper (or data) is submitted to different journals simultaneously. In this case we will follow the
COPE guidelines.
Process to Manage Research and Publication Misconduct
If the journal suspects research misconduct such as data fabrication, plagiarism, copyright infringement, etc., it will conduct investigations according to Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) guidelines. If there are any concerns, the author(s) will be contacted by email to offer them an opportunity to address the matter.
Corrections, Withdrawal, and Retractions policies
Depending on the result, it may lead to the following legal acts:

The Current Psychosomatic Research  will consider the publishing a correction if an error could compromise an article's conclusions or contains incorrect information about the article's metadata such as authorship, affiliations, title, and so on, but does not affect its validity.

Withdrawal Steps
•  Pre-Review is a period during which an author(s) submit(s) her/his article until it is sent for review.
•  Peer-Review is a period the manuscript is submitted completely to the website and included in the review process.
•  Final Decision is a period from the acceptance of an article until it is sent for publication if the article meets the journal standards.
• Pre-Publication: when a paper is accepted for publication or published as an “ahead of print (In Press)” paper but has no volume/issue/page number.
• Post-Publication: when a paper is published and placed in a volume/issue with the page number.

• Pre-Review: The author (s) may withdraw their paper at this stage without providing compelling reasons.
• Peer-Review, Final Decision, and Pre-Publication: Authors should have compelling reasons to withdraw their papers.
• Post-Publication: Withdrawal is not possible at this stage.
The reason for the publication's correction or retraction will be explicitly mentioned to the readers. Please note that retraction means that the published article is maintained on the journal's online platform but watermarked as "Retrac," an explanation is also provided and attached to the watermarked file. In addition, the author(s) affiliated institution may be notified. For more information, please click
COPE’s code of conduct and flowcharts will be used if any Plagiarism detected in a submitted manuscript or if it is found in a published paper.
Advertising policy
The journal does not accept advertising, neither print nor online.

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